Wanted to share my build here. I am a hobby photographer from New England and never could get enough time in the woods to capture the kinds of photos I wanted. I hang a lot of game cameras throughout the year and can find where the different animals move through but just couldn't get there in time to capture them. So I decided to step the camera trapping up and build a few DSLR camera traps.
I shoot canon so I bought some older Canon Rebel T2i and T3i cameras and some 18-55mm kit lens(fairly cheap if you spend enough time on eBay). I used a 3D printer for most of the supports/dummy batteries/ lens mounts ect..
Here are some photos of the camera box build, just a used Pelican 1300NF off of eBay. (There is an eBay theme here). I 3D print a camera mounting plate to be the height I want and glue it to the inside of the box.
Attachment 247Attachment 248Attachment 249Attachment 250
I use Ram Mounts for mounting and a ratchet strap to keep it all steady.
Attachment 251Attachment 252
I have made a box with an internal flash as well for a quick set type of deal. this one has a homemade PIR sensor for a trigger. (Shown here with a Yongnu flash, have since switched to Nikon SB-25/28)
Attachment 253Attachment 254
I have a mix-match of PIR sensors, I have a Camtraptions V2 and a few different homemade PIR sensors.
The next post will be about Flashes.